My Latest Creations - For Christmas Gifting

Along about this time every year I start trying to come up with Christmas gift giving ideas for those "hard to buy for" types in my family & for a close-knit circle of girlfriends I've had since high school. I start this early because, quite frankly, it often takes me months to try & come up with something more than yet another hat & scarf set or felted bag. But, this year it looks like I've got my dilemma licked early. Huzzah!

About 2 weeks ago, in the course of my regular early morning web surfing, I came upon a polymer clay artist who had embellished the ends of some old knitting needles with her poly-clay beads. They were very cute & very unique, & while I'd never intentionally copy another artist's design, I'm not above "appropriating" a great idea & putting my own spin on it. I filed the idea away for another day & returned to a couple of current projects, like Rosa Azul, instead.

A day or so later, I was pawing though my enormous stash of frogged yarns - all those lovely balls of color & texture, looking like a pile of giant fuzzy beads waiting to be strung - when I remembered those knitting needles wit
h the poly-clay beads. Suddenly, a germ of an idea started to form. A couple of balls of my most sumptuous yarns together with a custom pair of decorated knitting needles (& a few stitch markers to match) would make a unique & totally unexpected gift for several knitters on my Christmas list! I spent the rest of that afternoon picking out yarn, rounding up some knitting needles in the appropriate size, & playing around with polymer clay. By the end of the day, I had 4 custom knitting kits finished, wrapped in tissue, & safely tucked away for Christmas gifts.

As I was quietly congratulating myself on being able to check 4 names off my Christmas list, it occurred to me that some of my Froggy Yarn customers might also be interested in these kits - either for themselves or as gifts. So, I put my other works in progress aside & spent the next couple of days making up another half-dozen kits to list in the Etsy shop & take to the next Saturday art market. Here's the photos of several kits that will be put up for sale.

I think they're cute & clever. I'll let you know if anyone else thinks so.


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